Start with the right financial plan today

Start with the right financial plan today

Jul 29
Invest in your Future

You may think that financial planning isn’t something you need right now, or that it’s something you’ll consider later or when you have spare money to invest. You may even think it’s complicated, or be concerned about putting your personal finances under scrutiny. But, let me just reassure you that financial planning is straightforward and something that can help you now.

Financial planning – it’s really quite easy

A sound plan can help you achieve your short, medium and long term goals, such as saving for a house, paying for your children’s education and providing you with the lifestyle you desire in retirement. And far from being a complicated process, it’s really quite easy.

Why choose us as your Financial Advisers?

As fully qualified financial planners with AMP Financial Planning, we have access to the latest financial planning strategies, investment research and technical resources to provide you with quality advice from a household name you can trust. And just because we’re part of the AMP Financial Planning network, doesn’t mean we are restricted to recommending AMP products. We can recommend products from a variety of financial companies and fund managers. This means you get the right solution for your personal needs.

As your Financial Adviser, we can show you investment strategies to help you achieve your goals, whatever may be.

Consolidating your debts
One strategy that can help free up money now involves consolidating your debts. This strategy can be very effective if you have a mortgage and other personal loans and credit card debts. You could make a significant monthly saving by consolidating all your high interest debts into your lower interest home loan. You can then use this saving to either pay off your home loan sooner or make regular investments into an investment fund.

Investing regularly
By investing regularly, you can take advantage of the ups and downs of sharemarkets to average the price you pay for your investments over time. By doing this, you could end up purchasing more shares, or units in a managed fund, with less outlay. I’d be happy to explain to you exactly how it works.

Want to find out more?

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you secure your financial future, call us today on 1300 788 650.

A Financial Plan, can show you investment strategies to help you achieve your goals, whatever may they may be.