Ask not what the Treasurer can do for you - Avante Financial Services

Ask not what the Treasurer can do for you

May 26

Unless you are handing out mountains of cash, a federal budget is rarely popular. Even the term “budget” is distasteful to many Australians who generally avoid running one with their own household finances. So it’s little wonder when one appears each year that we have no control over, we’re a little uncomfortable.

The recent federal budget, however, has uncovered a new dimension in unpopularity. I’ve watched and read with interest the commentary this week surrounding the budget and there is a theme, phrase and question that appears to pop up regularly. I heard it repeated again on Q&A as Joe Hockey faced a community at western Sydney. That theme or question is “How will I maintain my lifestyle?”

Now let me just state here I’m not advocating everything within the recent federal budget. I’m as cynical as the next voter when it comes to politicians and the public purse.

However, I’m curious as to why a significant portion of the population appears to support this notion that the government’s job is to maintain our lifestyles.

Now, I acknowledge here that simply surviving is not always easy for the minority that are suffering genuine setbacks and need to be supported financially by society. As a society I believe we will be judged on how we look after those that are unable to look after themselves. But there is a big difference between supporting those that are unable to support themselves and helping people maintain their lifestyles.

I believe the wrong question is currently being asked of our politicians. Instead of asking the Treasurer, “how will I maintain my lifestyle?” the question should be pointed at the majority of us to answer that for ourselves.

Perhaps the first question we need to ask ourselves should be, “is my lifestyle sustainable?” The second should be, “will it give me the future I want?”

If the answer is no to either of those questions, then it’s up to you to take control of your finances and do something about it. Not the government. Doing something about it means looking at your own budget, what you are spending on and taking control of your own financial situation.

Perhaps when you do that, you will discover that you may need to go without some luxuries and mod-cons that your current earning capacity really can’t support.

But it will be a conscious choice rather than feeling that you’re forced into it. However, it should also mean you’re able to choose to spend on other things that are important and valuable to you. The key word is choice.

When we look to the government to maintain our lifestyles, we are really setting ourselves up for disappointment and failure. Instead, by becoming a conscious consumer with our own budget who takes responsibility for our own lifestyles then anything extra received from the government is a bonus that matters little if it is taken away when the next government is ushered in.

Let’s ensure our leaders face the tough questions when it comes to the budget and the public purse.

However, when it comes to money and maintaining our lifestyles, let’s decide to do something about that ourselves.


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