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What do the numbers say?
77% of Australian pre-retirees who haven’t received financial advice1 don’t feel prepared
for their retirement.
Only 54% of Australians believe their superannuation will be enough to see them through their retirement
The qualifying age for the Age Pension for those people born after 1956.
One thing I liked was their understanding of my circumstances and commitment to detail. I found confidence in the friendly and professional assistance I received to bring about a successful and speedy result with my retirement planning.

Mohamed was successful in getting me income protection even though I had cancer before & when the cancer came back we didn't have any financial worries as the insurance paid out while I needed time for treatment and to recover. Thank you so much, it has made getting back on track so easy.

Why Choose Avante Financial Services?
Avante Financial Services was founded in 2011 under the principles of providing our clients with dedicated financial planning and advice they could rely on to help them invest their money and secure their future.
We offer our clients a higher standard of service and support they just won’t find anywhere else and our commitment to customer satisfaction shows in everything we do and every client we serve.

Mohamed Said CFP, AFA, has a background in finance, accounting and the business industry, spanning over a decade. He is a Certified Financial Planner and is innovative and passionate about the services he provides. He understands that everyone has different needs when it comes to their finances and is dedicated to ‘helping everyday Australians make the most of their money.’
We're here to help you too.

Take Your Next Step Today
How would you feel if 1-year from now, you were in the same position you are in now?
No one can predict what tomorrow holds. But we do know circumstances can change in a moment and being prepared today means we can help you.

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Avante Financial Services provides you with world class financial services designed to suit your needs and the needs of your family.
Any advice contained in this website is of a general nature only and does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person.
Therefore, before making any decision, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice with regard to those matters.
Avante Financial Services Pty Ltd are Authorised Representatives of AMP Financial Planning Limited ABN 89 051 208 327 AFSL/ACL 232706